Hello, everybody! Today's post is all about pictures. There has been a lot of pictures I wanted to post so now their are all going in the same post before I forget about them.
First up, pictures from the guys' birthday party. Bryan was the king and Nathan was the prince, but the little prince would not keep his crown on!!

Yummy cake, isn't it?

The ballpit now resides in Mom and Dad's living room, but I hear Nathan has discovered how fun it is to throw the balls out of the pit, so it might go away soon. Miranda, I burnt a cd of the birthday pictures for you, hopefully tomorrow I'll drop them off at Moms, I keep forgetting!
Around Valentine's Day Yarns had a big sale so of course I had to help them out, but trust me, not as much as some people did! It was on a Friday Knit Night, so I got home late and the bag of yarn didn't get any farther than the living room. Well, at least I didn't take any farther than the living room. The cat on the other hand......

This is what we woke up to, starting in the bedroom with two balls of yarn on a pile of clothes, leading into the kitchen....

where there is a big ol huge mess! The door straight ahead in this shot is the bedroom door, see the yarn coming out the door? Zoey must have ran in circles in the kitchen with the yarn! Then it heads out into the living room (door on the right).

You can see the yarn better in this picture. There are two different yarns here, see the ball of sock yarn up there?

And in the living room she must have ran around the end table! No, I didn't kill her.
Here are pictures of Zoey's scars.

Scar from her hernia operation.

I was trying to get a picture of both here, there is only about 1 inch of fur between the two. You can kinda see the bald patch on her tummy, but she was NOT helping!

See? Not helping at all!!!

This just might be the cutest picture of Nathan ever! And there are a lot of cute pictures of Nathan, let me tell ya! Miranda sent this in an email, it sure cheered me up!