No, I'm not doing the ABC along, it just fits. I'm sorry I haven't blogged for 2 months, I haven't even told you all I'm back from New Jersey safe and sound! That doesn't bug me too much since you should all know by now I am a bad blogger and don't update nearly as often as I should.
What makes me feel guilty is not thanking
Criquette for sending me a
Pay it Forward (scroll down) package. It felt just like Christmas!

Clockwise from top: Calorimetry(see pic below) wonderful yarn, torquise(sp?) and pink and dark blue, very lovely and then such a cute cat button to top it off! Three packets of water flavorings that I keep forgetting to try, even though I've been wondering if I would like them for awhile now. A pretty bookmark about adopting cats and dogs. A very cute keyring with two different sizes of paw prints in my favorite color, purple! Already in use, just like the bookmark. And a tin of mints with a girl knitting on the top with yarn balls all over, this will be perfect for holding stitch markers after the mints are all gone. Where did you find them, Criquette? I haven't seen them before.

I received the package last Monday(I know it was a Monday, please don't tell me it was 2 weeks ago!) and figured I would make a thank you post real quick. Yeah, I need to remember that I'm a bad blogger and that just isn't realistic for me. After a few days I thought I should at least write a short email to Criquette to let her know it got here and that I loved it. Then we decided to take a last minute trip out of state this weekend and I totally forgot about it. I plan (cross your fingers!) to tell you about our trip in another post. Forgetting to thank Criquette isn't just bad blogging, it is bad manners. I'm so sorry Criquette! Thank you for all your time and effort, your choices are all perfect for me!
Only one person took me up on my offer to pay it forward,
Ms. Knitingale. She doesn't blog anymore, and I miss her! I probably should apologize to her too, since it has been almost a year and I haven't even thought about what to make her. I will try to get on that.
Wish me luck, knowing me, I'll need it!