- The Harmony needles showed up, they are pretty. But one of the #5's must have a crack at the tip, wool keeps getting caught in it.

- Prairie Gumbo is playing Pay it Forward and I thought it was a great idea too! This is the "Pay It Forward" exchange, based on the concept of the movie where acts of kindness are done without expecting anything in return...just passing it on, with the hope that the recipients of your kind acts will pass it along to someone else. Here's how it works: I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I don't know what the gift will be yet, and it won't be sent this month and maybe not next month either, but it will be sent within 6 months and that's a promise! What you have to do in return then is "pay it forward" by making the same promise on your blog. Sound like fun? I might knit something or sew or I might even break out the polymer clay!
- Last Saturday I met up with Laura at the Newton Beadery to switch my completed afghan for another packet. Very nice store with a very nice lady that talked to us for quite awhile, even told us her name, too. Unfortantly though, I have a mind like a steel sieve instead a steel trap. Laura being the good blogger she is, remembered to bring her camera. Me, I didn't even think to look halfway decent, let alone bring the camera. I should have remembered what the Yarn Harlot said, bloggers are dangerous, they always have their cameras.
- I have already finished the second afghan, but no pictures yet. Hopefully soon.
- Tuesday I had an eye app. and had my eyes dilated plus wore contacts for the first time in years. Not good. Besides having an awful time driving the two blocks home my headache jumped way up there to an 8. I didn't even feel up to knitting while I watched tv. The next day got it back down to a 5, but Friday I went and ordered my glasses(that's another story) and wore contacts again to be able to pick out a frame. Went to the monthly knit in that night but had to leave early I was hurting so much. Not long after I got home it went up to a 9. Today it is firmly hovering around a 6. Pretty sucky week.
- Techpriest's Dad and nephew are coming for a visit next Thursday, I hope I'm up to it.
That is all I remember that I wanted to tell you, but remember that steel sieve....
The "Pay It Foward" exchange sounds like a wonderful idea. I enjoyed both the movie and book a lot.
Your harmony needles are lovely, but I'm sorry to hear about your #5. Have you contacted KnitPicks yet?
Afghans - - you're so good to do them. At some point in the future, I'm going to learn how to crochet/whip stitch/crab stitch and all that stuff that can be blended with knitting.
What is causing this non-stop headache of yours (beyond the contact wearing & eye exam, I mean)? New glasses - - what a bear. My kids just had their eyes examined last Friday and my daughter is getting her first pair of glasses this week. (Sidenote: We spent two hours with Andie as she tried on EVERY FRAME IN THE STORE to see which one she liked best).
I hope you feel better soon!
A friend of mine got the Harmony circs and had to have one replaced 2xs (once for the join and once for a crack). I for one remain unimpressed. You should definitely contact them.
I love the pay it forward exchange idea.
I'm still waiting on my Harmony dpn's...hopefully, no cracks will arrive with them. But I agree with Dana and Holly--I'd definitely contact Knitpicks. I do hope your headache lets up. Chronic pain tops the list of things that truly, righteously suck. I love the pay it forward idea...and I'd love to play.
I will get in touch with knitpicks after hubby's dad leaves, there is a lot on that list right now.
Ms. Knitingale! I'm so glad you took me up on the pay it forward! I'll be thinking about what to make for you!
I hope two more hit me up for it!
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