Why do you ask?

Here is the afghan, Zoey thinks it is comfy.

So pretty!

It is kinda hard to see the basketweave, but it sure is pretty, though the 8 ends I had to weave in sure wasn't!

Love this one too.

Zoey was holding the afghan down for me, she is such a helper!

The back side, you can clearly see the whip stitch.

Front side, doesn't look to bad I think.

Weasley sweater ornaments, this one is for Dad. I plan on making 20 of the little suckers, good thing they are so quick!

Mom's ornament.

Left to right: my brother(Nathan's Daddy), our Dad, our Mom, and she is holding Nathan of course.

Mom and Nathan. Miranda had a party for her mother's 50th birthday. We all had lots of fun and chocolate cake.

Chewing on the camera strap.

Techpriest found a cat website, that is a little bat flying around.

Who threw out a perfectly good kitty?
Mercy, Zoey is such a cutie! The afghan is very pretty, good going!
I just about died laughing on that last picture! How funny!!! I love the new afghan and can certainly understand why you'd need a new camera to photograph its beauty. I bought my new camera soley because I wanted better blog photos. That seemed perfectly reasonable to me...
sheepish annie: Just so you know, she really did throw herself away. She manages to get on top of the filing cabinet and jumps into the trash can. Fairly often. I like the afghan too, hopefully whoever gets it will like it too! I think the blog will be filled with photos for awhile.
Thanks for commenting!
I love all the photos. And Zoey is adorable. What a sweet little face she has! Very nice job on the afghan. It will be appreciated and loved, I'm sure.
Also, that's for joining the Pass it On thing. I'm looking forward to knitting something for you. What colors do you like? Don't forget to post it up on your blog.
Congrats on your new camera! I'm going to have to break down and buy a replacement too.
Zoey is precious and I laughed at the photo of her hovering near the monitor (bat flying on kitty website).
The afghan is wonderful and it's so good of you to stitch those blankets together for the Greensburg residents! Pat yourself on the back hon.
That is one cute kitten! DS wants a cat so badly (DH is allergic). When the tooth fairy came and we asked what he was going to get, "a cat."
Great afghan, you should be proud. And 20 sweater ornmaments! Wow!
Zoey is so adorable! I'll bet she'd have fun with my two kitties!
The afghan is really pretty!
Thanks Anita! Maybe we should have a play date, I could use a break from keeping a 2 month old kitty entertained!
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