Shindig roving, I took my inspiration from the TV show Firefly. Based on Kaylee's fluffy layer cake dress. 2 braids, 5 oz total, Superwash wool, Sheep Shed Studios, Brown Sheep mill ends, Jaquard dyes, hand dyed by me. Here is the dress. Picture from http://www.costumersguide.com/

Haven't felt to good this last week. Monday was downright horrible, Tues. I at least felt good enough to make it up to Salina for lunch with a couple of the knit girls then to Stitch N Bitch. Wednesday was much better and I managed to finally get a few things done I've been meaning too. Today I'm feeling fairly crapy again. Ah, well, this too shall pass.
Here are some interesting links I've come across.
Firefly. *sob* Dude, why do they keep breaking my heart by cancelling Joss Whedon's magic? WHY? WHY?!
I know, right? Fireflly is probably my favorite TV show. Even more than the new Doctor Who and that's saying something. I plan on doing a whole line of Firefly based yarn.
Love the Shindig! It's adorable.
I've been getting my Nathan fix with "Castle," my Adam fix with "Chuck" and Morena's the lead alien in the new "V" series. :)
But none of them are Firefly! :stomps feet:
Been watching V, caught Chuck once and it didn't do it for me. Haven't seen Castle though, I should try and catch it.
Thanks for the comment!
Ha! I didn't realize that I wrote on your blog as "SaharSolt." That's my daughter's e-mail account. lol
I know you were thinking, "Who's this chiming in?"
Ah, so that was you! Yeah, I had no idea.
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