Ann and I had our spinning lesson today with Karen, and boy did we have fun. Of course, I was a bad blogger and forgot my camera. Don't feel to bad though, it wasn't just you guys I forgot. If you can believe it I actually forgot the roving! Good thing Ann remembered hers! They can't tell me my headache hasn't effected me, my short term memory is shot! Ann took pictures though and said she would email them to me. So, I'll wait till then for a full report of the day. But, once I got home I could take pictures of the results! Look, I made yarn!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Well, not the results of all the lessons I was talking about last post, just two.
Ann and I had our spinning lesson today with Karen, and boy did we have fun. Of course, I was a bad blogger and forgot my camera. Don't feel to bad though, it wasn't just you guys I forgot. If you can believe it I actually forgot the roving! Good thing Ann remembered hers! They can't tell me my headache hasn't effected me, my short term memory is shot! Ann took pictures though and said she would email them to me. So, I'll wait till then for a full report of the day. But, once I got home I could take pictures of the results! Look, I made yarn!!!

Not to shabby! Love that last picture too. Oh, yeah, Karen had us start on spindles so we could get the hand motion down before we had to worry about using our feet too.
Ann and I had our spinning lesson today with Karen, and boy did we have fun. Of course, I was a bad blogger and forgot my camera. Don't feel to bad though, it wasn't just you guys I forgot. If you can believe it I actually forgot the roving! Good thing Ann remembered hers! They can't tell me my headache hasn't effected me, my short term memory is shot! Ann took pictures though and said she would email them to me. So, I'll wait till then for a full report of the day. But, once I got home I could take pictures of the results! Look, I made yarn!!!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Around here it has been lessons all the time, well, at all the time on the weekends anyway.
I've now had two crochet lessons on Saturdays at Yarns. Doing good, don't think I'll go back until(unless?) I have problems with a project. Right now I'm working on this little birdy. Finished all the crochet and am just sewing it together. The only problems I have crocheting is making sure I'm using the right stitch. I thought I was using single crochet when what I was doing was half double crochet. Ah, well, it will come to me. I'm having fun with it, but I can't really watch TV at the same time yet.
On Sundays I have been teaching Karla how to knit. Two lessons so far and she is doing pretty well. Her tension is mostly nice and even, not to loose, not to tight. Though she did decide to redo her long tail cast on when she tried to knit a few! Her first project is a Mark scarf from the musical Rent. It is really just the original Harry Potter scarf in navy and white. I've had a lot of fun passing on the obsession!
Next Saturday (I can't wait!) Ann and I are having our first spinning lesson! Isn't that too cool? Remember the lady I met inline waiting for the Yarn Harlot? Yeah, we are finally getting together. I've been researching online and I think I know what most of the lingo is talking about. Maidens, mother of all, footman, doesn't spinning have the coolest names for stuff? I have also been looking into wheels, I keep changing my mind but I've definitely narrowed it down to four. Ashford Kiwi and Ashford Traveller are on the same page. Kromski Sonata and the original Lendrum. Aren't they pretty? First I wanted the Sonata, now I'm more leaning towards the Traveller. I certainly won't buy any until I spin and I do want to go to the Yarn Barn in Lawrence and try some wheels out. Hopefully the three of us can take a road trip up there soon.
Last, but certainly not least, I will be teaching a couple of classes at Yarns. That is just amazing, isn't it? And just a little bit scary? Yeah, I thought so too! Carla(not Karla!) one of the owners will be teaching with me. She will be doing knitting in the round with magic loop, I'll be doing it with double points. Two small classes of just the basics and one on a Saturday on socks. We are even going to the Italian restaurant two doors down for lunch. I'm fairly excited about that too.
Well, I do have other stuff I want to share, but this is all the important stuff. I've really enjoyed immersing myself in different fiber pursuits. It's a wonderful world!
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