I'm done with the Greensburg afghan, hooray! No pictures of course, booo! I don't like being unable to document my FOs! We need to stumble upon some money somewhere!
Laura has made a list of where the squares are in the seaming process and packets(squares, seaming yarn) that need to be adopted
here. The main post about it is
here. You do want to adopt one, right? They are really cute! And it is not really seaming since all you have to do is whip stitch them together, it goes pretty quick. She will be adding more packets as she gets them sorted so check back!
It seems like I can go ages without really wanting anything, then all of a sudden I want everything all at once. The camera is a given, I've already told you about the dpn shortage over here. I ordered the Harmony's on Sat by the way, can't wait to see them! I need a haircut, which I really could go ahead and get, but getting some red highlights sound like fun right now too. And I want a purse, a purse with pockets even! Looking around for a purse I am astounded again by their prices, course I'm cheap about purses, I don't think I've spent more than $30 for a purse in my life. I've looked around on Etsy and really like the style of this
shop's purses, but the fabrics are too loud for my tastes, but I could probably ask for one in denim. Her prices aren't too bad either. I also like this
style, but would not pay that much for it. I could make that without too much work.
But what will cost the most is a Yarn Hop the shops in central Kansas are putting on. I plan on catching a ride with Ann and Marlene from Yarns knit night. From north to south the shops are:
The Yarn Peddler Minneapolis
The Shivering Sheep Abilene
Yarns: Sold and Told Salina
(my home away from home)
4. Laura May's Cottage
Yarn Hutchinson
6. The Newton Beadery
7. Heritage Hut
Twist Wichita
More than I realized there was! The yarn hop is
November 9, 10, 11. Besides special surprises at each shop, if you go to every shop you will be entered to win a big basket of goodies.
I was going to just scan in the flyer they gave me, but we have changed computers since the last time I scanned anything in and now I don't know how to work it. It will have to wait until Techpriest is unbusy.
Hey, did you realize Kansas has a
fiber mill? Me either.
I'm trying to figure how to link to a button, not having much luck. The example over on the right I can get to work, but when I cut and paste my info in to the code it just doesn't work. This will be the first thing I will have Techpriest work on when he gets unbusy. Until him or I get it figured out I'm gonna leave the ugly example button up on the right. Maybe I'll get tried of looking at it and it will force me to have another go.
I think that is all I have to say, seems like I always forget something....